WOW, I'm absolutely blown away by all of your success with the lessons!! Over 100 success stories, Great work. If YOU have a success story you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you. You can share yours here.
"Thank you for going out of your way and making emails for everyone who struggles... You do it in such a unique, inspiring and REAL way"
"I love your enthusiasm and I've already tried a bunch of your strategies... I feel like your strategies and organizational setting ideas are fantastic!"
"I recently had a breakthrough on keys when I discovered the motion you are covering here... You are great at what you do"
"Now I'm practicing around 2 to 3 hours a day... And people like you are helping me thanks Zach"
"I'm not a professional, but I do practice an hour a day, and I notice the improvement in my practice"
"Thanks so much Zach! the finger gauntlet exercise is helping me tremendously... I think i would really improve a lot more than I have"
"I am over the top thrilled with your teaching methods and the quick results... Thanks for sharing them!"
"You made me more confident playing by ear. So fat I learned to play like 5-7 songs in a week with one of your lessons... You're helping me a lot"
" Your supercharge ebook has given me a better plan to learn. I've been looking for a guidance and a systematic way of practicing and you've given me that"
"Thanks for all you have shared. My piano playing has changed quite a bit. My husband says it's better!"
"After a full work of your finger exercises I swear that something is beginning to change in these damaged fingers"
"Please keep teaching us as we enjoy your expertise and your spirit of excellence. You are a great friend, an innovative and an amazing professional performer"
"I am playing Amazing Grace by ear for the first time in my entire life!"
"Thanks for all the awesome strategies you have shared...Practicing piano has become such a huge part of my life"
"You're a terrific teacher... You've perfected a learning technique that is exactly what I need. Bravo!"