Piano University SUCCESS STORIES
WOW, I'm absolutely blown away by all of your success with the lessons!! Over 100 success stories, Great work. If YOU have a success story you'd like to share, I'd love to hear from you. You can share yours here.

And if you haven't yet, sign up for Technique Mastery PRO, you can sign up here.
"In the last 2 weeks of starting Zach's piano course, I have improved tremendously, WAY more than in the last 3 months, AND I'm enjoying it."
"Anyone at any level could learn from this. People could start as a rank beginner or a professional and get something out of this"
"My personal experience has showed me, it works. Here's my story..."
"There's no fluff. I feel like every minute that I spend watching is time well spent, and I appreciate that as a busy adult"
"It has been just what I needed to really up my ability on piano, and I'm so grateful I found [ZACH]!"
"While doing the scales I developed accuracy and speed in a couple of weeks, I was really surprised by that"
 "I started playing piano at the age of 60, never played an instrument before, and it was with the help of Zach that really helped me motivate me with his piano lessons"
"Before taking this course, my piano playing had reached a standstill. I had not grown in over a year...But after taking the Technique Mastery course, I knew better. After just 3 weeks my family remarked on how my piano playing improved.
"I've already been able to see a difference in only one month... Anyone who watches you play music will definitely take notice"
"With the Finger Gauntlet... within 2 weeks of practice for 15 minutes a day I was making an exponential increase in finger strength"
"I played one evening after a choir rehearsal, I had a few people gather who were listening to me, which was a first for me."
"After I had two months of the course, I was able to master my scales"
"When I was taking lessons with a teacher... my hands and arms were aching... he couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong... and the Miyagi technique that Zach teaches made a huge difference"
"It's helped me immensely to improve my piano practice"
"For me it's a lifechanger on piano, and I'm really eager to learn more from you"
"Before taking the lessons, I could practice every day for hours, and it seemed to be pointless. But then I started implementing what Zach teachers... and now in a mater of Days, sometimes hours, I learn new pieces, new songs"
"They are a staple part of my practice, it's how I start my practice every day"
"15 minutes a day at the very least, if that's all you can do, you can learn piano. More is better, but if you can do 15 minutes you can learn piano"
"3 months after [starting the lessons] I can play all 12 major scales, I can play 2 minor scales, and I'm studying more than one song at once... and starting to play by ear"
"He took me right from the beginning to where I'm playing right now, I can play songs so I'm really happy with that"
"I was able to pick up more speed than I was ever capable of doing... I'm a total believer in Zach's teaching"
"Zach's lego block method, proven by science, really helped me to improve, on the level on performance I could create... and it's really incredible to see the level of progress I've made in a year"
"It was a gamechanger for me"
"This program is very helpful, it's by FAR one of the best I've seen cause other similar programs I've kinda struggled with"
"Honestly I really do enjoy practicing now. It's because of the way your course is organized with a focus on goals"
"I've been doing [Zach's hands together course] for about 2 weeks and felt like I'd advanced way more with those two exercises doing them about 10 minutes a day than with the gamefied apps"
"When I got introduced to Piano University, I was like WOW this thing is super easy to learn"
"Before I started this course, I was struggling hearing chords that I need to actually play what I want to play. After taking this, it's SO much easier"
"Simple, but very very effective techniques which you can include into your practice, and have a very very strong effect on your playing"
"I've been able to start a routine of quick, effective practice sessions"

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